Tuesday, April 3, 2018

. . . . . . . . . .Take me to Heaven. . . . . . . . . .

Take me to heaven, take me home...
I wanna taste the happiness before I waste my bones!

Where feelings are sane and love is worshipped...
Words in the dialogue are not just sugar-dipped,
Place, where heart-bond is just free to roam-
Take me to heaven, take me home...
I wanna taste the happiness before I waste my bones!

Mornings are a bliss there, nights are calm...
Thoughts inside the head are not stuck in jam,
Where shine on the faces can brighten up the gloam-
Take me to heaven, take me home...
I wanna taste the happiness before I waste my bones!

That drizzle on the surface, mud on the pave,
The essence of the sand, mingled in the wave.
Where heart is not just a place for the emotional storm-
Take me to heaven, take me home...
I wanna taste the happiness before I waste my bones!

The night under the naked sky, dancing of the sparkling stars..
let me feel the moonlight .. before it's eternally gone-
Take me to heaven, take me home...
I wanna taste the happiness before I waste my bones!

Thoughts are seraphic, where words are not tiny bombs-
Take me to heaven, take me home...
I wanna taste the happiness before I waste my bones!